All posts tagged ""
Shelli Alford | November 3, 2017
Hearing Voices Instead Of Solid Critiques From Teachers
I have a friend, Jules Arthur, who is a phenomenal painter. He critiques my work and gives me...
Shelli Alford | March 24, 2017
Sketching With The Masters At The Met
I forgot to mention the best day of our non-painting days. It was to visit the MET’s Drawing and...
Shelli Alford | December 2, 2016
Master Copy Class at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
I’m taking a class from the New York Academy of Art called Master Copying Class at the Metropolitan...
Shelli Alford | March 6, 2016
So, what can I say? I have been more overwhelmed in the last 6+ months than at...
Shelli Alford | September 30, 2014
My new class with Max Ginsburg
I am in a great new class taught by Max Ginsburg that meets all day every Sunday at...
Shelli Alford | September 17, 2014
6 x 9 Limited Size, Unlimited Talent Auction & A Night Out to Prinipal Gallery, Alexandria, Virginia
The last event of the 2nd day was a crazy and chaotic 6×9 Limited Size, Unlimited Talent Auction....
Shelli Alford | September 12, 2014
PSoA Conference The Art of The Portrait 2014
Every time I go to the PSOA conference I have more fun and learn even more than the...
Shelli Alford | May 26, 2014
Christie’s auction house to a Morphine drip
Sooooooo Tuesday, (I’m always in NYC on Tuesdays for my GCA, Colleen Berry Structure Drawing class.) I came...
Shelli Alford | May 2, 2014
Odd = The Establishment
The most exciting part of this conference for me was a panel with Odd Nerdrum and Roger Scruton....
Shelli Alford | April 19, 2014
Loved TRAC 2014
Coming to the TRAC conference I was expecting something quaint, small, and struggling to get established. This is...