Mora – Vackra Stad (beautiful town)

Iao Seng – fellow student – watching the demo. Iao actually gave me some good guidance with my paintings.
We headed to Mora, because it was near Anders Zorn’s birth place, it was where Zorn lived and where the Zorn museum was located. It was a charming and beautiful little town.

One of the many beautiful buildings in Mora, Sweden.
Wow, what a difference a day makes! I was really excited about traveling to Mora. We took a comfortable train from Stockholm to Mora. Once in Mora, we had a very long walk to our Best Western hotel. Now, don’t turn up your nose; it was nice. This hotel and the Djurönäset Hotel and Spa where we stayed at Värmdö were completely comparable. Unfortunately, I was assigned a room with 2 other women. The problem was there were 3 women for only 2 beds. I’m a sport, but I just couldn’t do it. So, I went downstairs with my friend Julia and we booked ourselves another room to share. Thank God there was a room available.
Next we unpacked our art gear and off we went to look for something to paint. Julia and I ended up at the waterfront and although it was lovely, I wasn’t inspired so I turned around and painted the skyline of the little town of Mora with the lake behind me.

Joanne leaving to paint.
Next, we had a fun dinner with the gang at a local restaurant and then went to watch Jeremy do a demo in front of our hotel at 10 PM. Yep, you heard me correctly a planned demo at 10PM. I was worried about such a late demo, but Jeremy knew that the Swedish sky was gorgeous at twilight; as you can see from the photos. The sky was even more beautiful here than in Värmdö.
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