Postcards to Grandma
I have a grandmother who has always been a pistol. She is an independent unique soul and of course she is an artist. She used to paint, but she fell in love with clay and became a sculptor. Today she is 92 years young and still a presence. I try to send her post cards from everywhere I go. She was also a big traveler. Her husband (whom we all called Papo) didn’t really love traveling, so she would go all over the world by herself. She would stay in elder hostels and go to art workshops. Wow, I am having an epiphany, that’s just like me! Or maybe I should say, I am just like her. Traveling alone as an adult married woman doesn’t seem like such a big deal these days, but for her generation it was very much a big deal and of course she did it anyway. From now on I am going to have a series in my blog called, “Postcards to Grandma”.
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