Aaron Westerberg Class #4: The Silver Lining

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My friend Susan and today’s model

This was the last class and, sadly, I was just starting my painting. I was hopeful I could keep the learning momentum going from my color study. The process was so helpful and really made starting my painting so much easier.

My problem today, though, isn’t efficiency – it’s self esteem. I don’t mind that I’m slow. I really don’t. I just can’t live with being the worst in the class.  It’s true the painters in this workshop are really good, but it’s not that I judge people, or rank them. I just know I am dead last in this class, and you know what? It’s not OK! I am feeling pressure within myself to work harder.

I’d like to blame my feelings today on my art supplies. Had they arrived, my paintings would be so much better!  (I DON’T think so.)

The good news  –  The Scottsdale Artist School had a special lunch outside on the terrace.  The weather was perfect and we got to mingle with students and teachers from the other classes.  They even came around with big baskets of chocolate chip cookies and brownies at the end of the lunch.  It was a fun lunch.



The Traveling Artist

Aaron Westerberg

I have to hand it to Aaron, though. He conducted a great workshop, and I really did learn a lot. This whole experience will make me a better painter. I also met a group of really nice students – which, for me, was sort of the icing on the cake. Some really good artists attend these types of workshops, and if you’re lucky enough, not only do you get to learn from your favorite artist teacher, you are supported by a talented group of classmates.

The realistic fine art field is second-to-none. It’s a great community, made up of the nicest group of people.

That is my silver lining for today.

Shelli Alford is an artist and author, who enjoys learning from master oil painters from around the world and reviewing their classes, workshops and demonstrations.

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