All posts tagged "Rob Liberace"
Shelli Alford | September 17, 2014
6 x 9 Limited Size, Unlimited Talent Auction & A Night Out to Prinipal Gallery, Alexandria, Virginia
The last event of the 2nd day was a crazy and chaotic 6×9 Limited Size, Unlimited Talent Auction....
Shelli Alford | September 12, 2014
PSoA Conference The Art of The Portrait 2014
Every time I go to the PSOA conference I have more fun and learn even more than the...
Shelli Alford | April 9, 2013
Hello Grandma from Sarasota, Florida
Dear Grandma, I’m in Sarasota, Florida for a workshop with Rob Liberace. You might have seen some of...
Shelli Alford | April 8, 2013
Wrapping Up a Great Workshop with Rob Liberace
The next day, as everyone else was on day two of their painting, I was just beginning a...
Shelli Alford | April 2, 2013
Tornados in Liberace Workshop
Unfortunately for me the next day was a bad day. I don’t know why, but I could feel...
Shelli Alford | April 1, 2013
Robert Liberace, Sarasota FL- Workshop pt 1
The workshop started off so great! I was working my butt off. Actually everyone was working really hard. ...
Shelli Alford | March 29, 2013
Robert Liberace, Sarasota, Florida – The First Night
Robert Liberace’s “Figure in Oil” workshop was at the Southern Atelier in Sarasota, FL. I had been looking...
Shelli Alford | January 30, 2013
The Portrait Society of America Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Day 1
Have I mentioned that I love going to the Portrait Society of America Convention every year? Well, I...