The Art of The Portrait Gala
Every year on the last night of the conference, there is a big awards dinner and gala. I had never gone before, but I decided this year I would like to go and see what all the fuss was about. I bought gala tickets months in advance when I signed up for the conference, not knowing then that my husband, Neil, would have a trial out of town. Since I had an extra ticket I asked Garth if he would be willing to stoop so low as to go with me. Generous Garth said yes.
Through my friend Linda I met some new friends. One of my new friends said she didn’t know the dinner was going to be quite so formal and she had not brought any clothes that would be appropriate. Fortunately, I had an extra outfit at home to lend her.
After all the workshops were over we all met downstairs in the lobby. From there I took them all to my house where we tried on clothes and changed into our evening attire.
Once we were all dressed up, off we went to the dinner. I was surprised to find some people in formal attire not just cocktail! The awards were announced, we ate dinner and then everyone schmoozed and partied afterwards. What a great conference. The only thing that could have made the night better would have been dancing and a band. I wouldn’t miss another gala for the world!
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