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Shelli Alford is an artist and author, who enjoys learning from master oil painters from around the world and reviewing their classes, workshops and demonstrations.
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I have always wanted to learn how to paint in oils, but I felt too intimidated in college to learn. Then I did the whole go to college, transfer colleges, transfer back to original college, graduate from college, get a job, get transferred to yankeeville, fall in love, get married, buy a dog, buy a house, renovate a house, have a child, buy another dog, have another child, buy a REALLY old house, (for which I was so unprepared), renovate that house, raise a family and then my kids abruptly left me at the same time last year.
Copyright © 2021 Traveling Artist.
I have a friend, Jules Arthur, who is a phenomenal painter. He critiques my work and gives me...
The next day was my fourth class at the MET copying, Sir Thomas Lawrence. I love this class! It’s...
I forgot to mention the best day of our non-painting days. It was to visit the MET’s Drawing and...
Soooo, none of the paintings I chose were approved by the curators. There is a curator for each...
I’m taking a class from the New York Academy of Art called Master Copying Class at the Metropolitan...
It’s Saturday and it is finally starting to feel like fall outside. I’m on a train headed for...
Grace (my daughter) and I caught the 7:15AM train to NYC last Saturday. We met my friends...