Joining Oil Painters of America

Mccormack, Paul W. “”Karen in White” 40×29.” Oil Painters of America. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2012.
I decided I wanted to join Oil Painters of America for several reasons. First, I have discovered I like figure painting and all different kinds of oil painting, not just portraiture, which I still love. Second, it will give me access to the possibility of finding another living master painter. Lastly, all the cool artists seem to belong. I so want to be cool. 🙂
After reading the public portions of Oil Painters Of America’s website, I realized that I needed not only to pay $60.00, but also to submit two paintings. UGHHH!! OK, I can do this. I have a pretty good painting of my dad and another pretty good painting of my house. I charged the $60.00 to my credit card
and thought I would deal with submitting the paintings later.

Gann, Melissa. “”Gentleness” 12×9.” Facebook. Oil Painters of America, n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2012. <//www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=405539209464949&set=a.405530769465793.99755.109329772419229&type=3&theater>.
Wellllll, a couple of weeks went by and I still had not submitted the paintings. Last night, to my delight, I discovered in my mailbox the coveted acceptance letter and membership card from Oil Painters of America. Hmmmmmmm. Could it be that they heard how great I am without even seeing my work? I don’t think so. LOL Who cares? I am a member! Yea!!! Now that I am a card-carrying member, I can really check them out. I am pretty sure they have a conference. This should be fun.
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